Putney and the Center for Climate, Health, and the Global Environment at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (Harvard Chan C-CHANGE) have collaborated to develop an action-oriented program for students to tackle the intertwined crises of climate, equity, and public health. On this one-week Youth Summit, students gain perspectives, insight, and inspiration from scientists, health practitioners, policymakers, youth activists, and energy innovators, and return home with an Action Plan to address issues in their own communities.

Experts & Insights
Learn from experts at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, as well as policymakers, academics, and scientists working in fields related to climate change and public health. Participate in workshops, attend lectures, and take advantage of all Boston has to offer. Supplement your perspective with guest talks from journalists, advocates, clean energy innovators, and more.

Action Focus
Each student chooses an Action Focus based on their interests—Climate Communications, Press, & Media; Climate Science; Entrepreneurship, Industry, & Technology; Environmental Justice; Global Health, Epidemiology, & Infectious Disease; Medicine & Healthcare; or Policy & Advocacy. This Action Focus acts as the lens through which students view the challenges of climate change and public health.

Community Action Plans
Develop a Community Action Plan based on your interests and round out the program with a presentation to your peers, sharing your vision for practical action to make lasting change when you return home.