For students currently in grades 9–12
Special programs & collaborations
Custom Programs

Looking to create a custom program or collaboration?

Travel programs with the Smithsonian Institution for grades 8–12

Challenge yourself academically at the world's most prestigious universities

Non-profit organization offering student travel scholarships

High school youth summit focused on public health, climate change, and equity


Campus-based climate change program for grades 9–12

Important Information for

International Trip Insurance


Get Trip Insurance for Non-U.S. Putney Families

If you live outside the United States or in a U.S. territory, we can recommend a policy offered through UnitedHealthcare Global, or you can research trip cancellation coverage independently. We urge you to do so before paying your invoice, as many companies have restrictive timing considerations for purchase as it relates to payment.

UnitedHealthcare Global Insurance Benefits

For residents outside of the United States, TravMark is offering United Healthcare Global SafeTrip travel protection plans for your upcoming trip. Unlike many plans for international participants that typically provide emergency medical expense and medical evacuation coverage only, SafeTrip plans can offer additional benefits such as those listed below.

Key benefits provided by UnitedHealthcare Global SafeTrip:
– Trip cancellation, interruption or delay
– Emergency medical expenses
– Emergency evacuation
– Lost, damaged or stolen luggage
Please note that this plan has a pre-existing condition exclusion which can not be waived.

Purchasing UnitedHealthcare Global Insurance

1. Click on this link to be taken to the TravMark quote page.

2. IMPORTANT – click on the “Get a Quote” button that is across from the TravMark logo, NOT the “Get your quote” button that is at the top of the page.

3. You will be asked to provide the following information:
– Travel start and end dates
– The country you are traveling from (i.e., your home country)
– The primary country you are traveling to (if the trip goes to multiple countries, choose the first country on your itinerary)
– Your reason for travel – regardless of program type, please choose “Leisure”
– The traveler age
– The trip cost

4. You will then be provided with a quote and may choose to purchase the insurance online with a credit card.

5. IF you purchase an insurance plan, you MUST then let Putney Student Travel know you have purchased a plan by sending an email to with your Student’s Name, Program, and saying that you have purchased an International TravMark SafeTrip plan. This is the ONLY way for Putney to know that you are traveling with this insurance policy.

Please call our office at +1 802-387-5000 or email with any questions.

Eligible for 8th grade*
*These programs are typically for students in grades 9–12, however motivated rising 9th graders will be considered

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