After completing an international double Master of Science program (US/Mexico) and studying at the Aegean Center for the Fine Arts, Britt consulted for the United Nations Development Program and the Nature Conservancy in Mexico before starting Ecothropic, an organization based in both the U.S. and Mexico. Her work has now taken her to over 45 countries, bridging visual storytelling and technical expertise and engaging diverse groups in solutions that benefit both people and the ecosystems on which we depend. As a visual storyteller, her work has been featured in National Geographic Traveller India, The Washington Post, and the Chicago Tribune, among several others. As a socio-environmental scientist, she has developed policy, facilitated grassroots planning, and empowered communities to action. She has had the opportunity to speak to a variety of audiences, ranging from presenting to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to being interviewed by the BBC. She is currently conducting Ph.D. research on community-based climate adaptation in the water sector. Britt is a PADI-certified scuba instructor, an Emergency First Response Instructor, and a Wilderness First Responder. Since 2007, she has led student travel programs in El Salvador, Spain, Belize, Australia, India, Ecuador, Swiss Alps (Switzerland, France, and Italy), Morocco, Cuba, Japan, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Washington D.C., Thailand, and the Harvard C-Chan Youth Climate and Health Summit. Above all, Britt is passionate about the diversity of this planet and its people – and how we can work together to create brighter and more just futures – and she loves to dance.