After completing his master’s degree, Matt moved to Ecuador to teach for five years. In his free time, Matt summited many of Ecuador’s glaciated peaks. Enamored by living in new places, Matt went on to teach in Hungary, Tunisia, and Thailand. He has also traveled extensively, including Arusha and a safari in Tanzania. His family (wife and two cats) made Hawai’i their home while Matt teaches a Senior Capstone course at Hawaii Preparatory Academy. Matt also teaches two courses for Global Online Academy, where he is continually invigorated by reimagining a type of learning that empowers students all across our globally networked society. Matt is fluent in Spanish and jokes about being a nearly proficient speaker of Gecko-nesian. Having lived on six continents, Matt has traveled extensively. He has led Putney programs for the last two decades in various countries, including Cambodia, the Faroe Islands, Iceland, and Alaska. Outside of all-things-education, Matt is either in the ocean, gardening or in search of the perfectly roasted coffee bean.