While at UTS, Stefan explored how the built environment is influenced by sociopolitical, technological, and cultural factors, with particular emphasis on how equity and justice can be purposefully embedded in the design and use of cities. He studied abroad for a year in Germany at the Technische Univesität Berlin, and enjoyed living there so much that he ended up staying there for many years. While there, he worked across the creative industry, organized cultural events, curated public art shows and traveled extensively around Europe and North Africa, frequently visiting his childhood home in Belgrade, Serbia. He has lived in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia, where he completed his postgraduate studies and worked as an architect and urban designer in the built environment sector. He also volunteered and worked with LGBTIQ+ health organizations. From volunteering at local schools and facilitating health literacy workshops, he also went on to become Vice President and on the Board of a dynamic HIV rights not-for-profit organization in Melbourne. While studying, he competed and won second place as part of the University of Melbourne’s team at the prestigious Emory Global Health Case Competition in early 2020. He is fluent in Serbo-Croatian and German, is proficient in Spanish, and is currently learning Hebrew. After working and living in Madrid, Spain, for the past two years, where he was teaching English and Aussie culture at a local bilingual high school, Stefan has returned to Australia to pursue a new chapter in his professional career and life’s journey. He is currently teaching and lecturing architecture and landscape architecture students again at his alma mater, the University of Technology Sydney. When not teaching or volunteering, he loves bike riding, indoor bouldering, music, nature hikes, exploring and immersing himself in local art and culture, playing basketball and cooking up good food. He has led Putney programs in Croatia, Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji.