After finishing his undergraduate degree in sociology at The Ohio State University, Terry joined Teach for America Corps Houston, where he taught middle and high school English for five years. While in Texas, Terry led wilderness camping programs for The Woods Project, which provided education and wilderness experiences to underserved students in urban communities. While pursuing his M.Ed. at the University of St. Thomas, he helped create a male mentorship organization for young African American males, The King’s Compass, where he led service projects to Belize, Guatemala, and Nicaragua. After his time in Houston, Terry taught middle school English in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. Sadly, during his first year there, his mother suddenly passed away from pancreatic cancer. Being the first in his family to travel outside of America, upon her wishes, he was asked to spread her ashes while he traveled. This sparked his passion for travel and Terry traveled the world teaching, volunteering, and sharing his story in various communities. So far, his mother is in 89 places and over 32 countries around the world. Terry is proficient in Spanish and loves to use his energy on wellness, cooking, learning, exercising, and building relationships. Terry has led Putney’s Middle School programs in Costa Rica, Ecuador & the Galapagos, Hawaii, and Iceland.