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July 19 — August 6
$8,790 + airfare


July 19 — August 6
$8,790 + airfare

Join us in Tuscany for an insider’s experience of Italy on this Pre-College summer program for high school students. Based in Siena—a stunning, walled medieval city in the heart of the Tuscan countryside and home to the University of Siena—broaden your horizons with in-depth, field-based seminars ranging from Italian Language to Farm-to-Table. Choose a seminar and—with the nooks of Piazza del Campo or golden hills as your backdrop—dive deep into your subject matter through engaging discussions, site visits, excursions to Florence and to neighboring Tuscan points of interest, and hands-on projects that immerse you in Italian life.

Practice your Italian language skills with vendors at the local market
Visit an olive farm and learn from local agrotourism experts as you sample delicious oils
Take a cooking class and learn how to make pici, a pasta that originated in Siena
Learn crafts from local artisans like paper marbling, leather making, and ceramics
“Her exposure to the food and culture of Siena, past and present, are significant and we continue to hear about what she learned.”
—Gouri & Alexander E., New York, NY


Choose a seminar and explore Siena and the surrounding Tuscan countryside through the lens of your chosen subject. Putney seminars combine experiential learning and global perspective, and are intentionally designed to deviate from classroom-centered and text-heavy learning, which many students are used to. Instead, Putney students learn by doing. Begin with discussions that frame your seminar concepts and identify key issues. Take the learning beyond the classroom with site visits, meetings with local experts, guest lectures, and field trips. Siena’s rich historical, architectural, academic, and cultural background makes it the perfect setting for our field-based seminars. Cap off your studies with a final project to share your work with your instructors and peers.
Business, Banking, & Markets
This hands-on seminar begins by examining the economic players and the playing field where firms operate, with discussions of supply and demand, regulations and free trade, international trade, and currency flows. Through guest speakers and case studies,...
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creative writing seminar in siena
Creative Writing
Whether you want to write your first novel or create a poem that captures a specific emotion or experience, this dynamic workshop-style course is a step toward finding your voice and pushing your boundaries as a creative writer. Through personalized exercises...
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Drawing & Sketching
Dive into the fine arts and explore a multi-sensory artmaking approach as eyes and hands join to capture the beauty of Siena and Tuscany. Engage with Siena’s rich culture and heritage as you make discoveries about your own perceptions and the drawing...
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Farm to Table
Immerse yourself in Italian cuisine and food culture, considering issues of sustainability, preservation, innovation, revenue, and communication. Meet local farmers and producers, from small niche biodynamic orchards to major agribusiness protagonists,...
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History of Art & Architecture
Experience firsthand the rich artistic heritage of the Italian Renaissance in all its forms, from painting to sculpture, from architecture to music. In the living classroom of Siena and Tuscany, understand not only the genius and craft of storied artists...
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Italian Language
Whether a principiante or maestro, beginner or whiz, learn how to better communicate in words and gestures just like Italians. In this seminar, build a solid foundation in phrases, expressions and cultural customs, with plenty of active onsite practice...
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Photography: Tuscany
Designed for photographers of all skill levels, this course teaches the basics of photography and composition before diving into more advanced shooting techniques and editing instruction. Whether your passion is portrait, landscape, adventure, or abstract...
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creative writing seminar in siena
Creative Writing
Whether you want to write your first novel or create a poem that captures a specific emotion or experience, this dynamic workshop-style course is a step toward finding your voice and pushing your boundaries as a creative writer. Through personalized exercises...
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Photography: Tuscany
Designed for photographers of all skill levels, this course teaches the basics of photography and composition before diving into more advanced shooting techniques and editing instruction. Whether your passion is portrait, landscape, adventure, or abstract...
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Farm to Table
Immerse yourself in Italian cuisine and food culture, considering issues of sustainability, preservation, innovation, revenue, and communication. Meet local farmers and producers, from small niche biodynamic orchards to major agribusiness protagonists,...
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Italian Language
Whether a principiante or maestro, beginner or whiz, learn how to better communicate in words and gestures just like Italians. In this seminar, build a solid foundation in phrases, expressions and cultural customs, with plenty of active onsite practice...
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Drawing & Sketching
Dive into the fine arts and explore a multi-sensory artmaking approach as eyes and hands join to capture the beauty of Siena and Tuscany. Engage with Siena’s rich culture and heritage as you make discoveries about your own perceptions and the drawing...
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Business, Banking, & Markets
This hands-on seminar begins by examining the economic players and the playing field where firms operate, with discussions of supply and demand, regulations and free trade, international trade, and currency flows. Through guest speakers and case studies,...
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History of Art & Architecture
Experience firsthand the rich artistic heritage of the Italian Renaissance in all its forms, from painting to sculpture, from architecture to music. In the living classroom of Siena and Tuscany, understand not only the genius and craft of storied artists...
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Our Pre-College instructors are accomplished academically and professionally. They bring to each seminar deep content knowledge and experience in their field, as well as enthusiasm for their subjects, a passion for teaching, and a proven capacity to connect with and inspire students. They are dedicated and caring individuals who also live in dormitories with students, sharing in their lives and fully participating in extracurricular activities.

Luca Bottone
View Bio


Our Pre-College instructors are accomplished academically and professionally. They bring to each seminar deep content knowledge and experience in their field, as well as enthusiasm for their subjects, a passion for teaching, and a proven capacity to connect with and inspire students. They are dedicated and caring individuals who also live in dormitories with students, sharing in their lives and fully participating in extracurricular activities.

Luca Bottone
View Bio
About the Destination

Nestled in Tuscany, Siena exudes medieval charm with its well-preserved Gothic architecture, including the stunning Siena Cathedral and iconic Piazza del Campo. Wandering its streets, you'll encounter The University of Sienna's historic buildings scattered among artisan shops, quaint trattorias, and lively markets. Siena's warm ambiance and artistic heritage, combined with the rich academic mission of the university, create an enchanting Italian experience where time seems to stand still, inviting you to savor its cultural and intellectual richness.


Italian is the official language of Italy.


Summer weather in Italy is generally hot. Average daytime temperatures range from 80–95°F (27–35°C), while average nighttime temperatures range from 70–80°F (21–27°C).


Italian cuisine, celebrated worldwide, is a harmonious blend of simplicity and quality ingredients. In Siena, traditional Tuscan flavors shine, with a focus on locally sourced ingredients. Sample dishes like ribollita (vegetable soup), pappa al pomodoro (tomato and bread soup), and Chianina beef. Siena is also known for its delectable sweets, such as ricciarelli (almond cookies) and panforte (fruit and nut cake). Tuscan olive oil, and fresh pasta dishes like pici (thick spaghetti) complete the culinary experience.

About the Destination

Nestled in Tuscany, Siena exudes medieval charm with its well-preserved Gothic architecture, including the stunning Siena Cathedral and iconic Piazza del Campo. Wandering its streets, you'll encounter The University of Sienna's historic buildings scattered among artisan shops, quaint trattorias, and lively markets. Siena's warm ambiance and artistic heritage, combined with the rich academic mission of the university, create an enchanting Italian experience where time seems to stand still, inviting you to savor its cultural and intellectual richness.


Italian is the official language of Italy.


Summer weather in Italy is generally hot. Average daytime temperatures range from 80–95°F (27–35°C), while average nighttime temperatures range from 70–80°F (21–27°C).


Italian cuisine, celebrated worldwide, is a harmonious blend of simplicity and quality ingredients. In Siena, traditional Tuscan flavors shine, with a focus on locally sourced ingredients. Sample dishes like ribollita (vegetable soup), pappa al pomodoro (tomato and bread soup), and Chianina beef. Siena is also known for its delectable sweets, such as ricciarelli (almond cookies) and panforte (fruit and nut cake). Tuscan olive oil, and fresh pasta dishes like pici (thick spaghetti) complete the culinary experience.

What to Expect

Review specific program expectations here. For more general information:

Our Siena Campus

In the historic Tuscan city of Siena, education and academic excellence have been woven into the fabric of daily life for centuries. Founded in 1240, the University of Siena is a prominent part of civic life. Immerse yourself in city and academy life, meet with artisans and professionals, venture for field visits to surrounding towns and areas, and find inspiration in Siena’s global, inclusive community.

Outcomes & Final Projects

The Pre-College Tuscany program is designed to immerse students intellectually in their chosen seminar topic as they prepare academically and socially for the college experience. Over the course of a two-week Pre-College seminar, each student develops a final project based on their particular interests, which they present to peers and instructors at the end of the program. Prepare an Italian feast to share with your group, present a case study from your business seminar, or display your photography of Siena’s architectural wonders.

Afternoons & Excursions

Head to neighboring Florence to visit the Medici Museum and the Uffizi, attend a classical concert in the Piazza del Campo, or explore local vintage and antique shops. Taste as many flavors of gelato as your heart desires and climb the iconic Torre del Manga. Cool off in the Mediterranean Sea on a day trip to the coastal town of Sea Castiglione della Pescaia. Cap off your Tuscan experience with a final presentation of your seminar work and a final dinner in Orto dei Pecci, a beautiful community garden in the middle of the City of Siena.


In addition to your in-depth seminar, explore other interests and topics in elective workshops offered by instructors and students alike. Tap into the unique knowledge, skills, and abilities of your peers and instructors to expand your Pre-College experience, learning on topics ranging from the regional differences in Italian cuisine to the architecture of Siena.

Guest Speakers

Gain inspiration from the experiences and perspectives of industry leaders and professionals. Guest speakers bring to the program diverse backgrounds with high-level, real-world experiences and insights. Whether a renowned chef or a professional photographer, each speaker structures their workshop or lecture to relate to the seminars and their area of expertise.


Find a community of like-minded peers, invested in personal and intellectual growth. Like you, they are curious about the world and eager to have a positive impact on it. Everyone attends Community Meeting each evening, where the group shares ideas, successes, and goals, and sets plans for the coming day. Become part of a community that supports and nurtures your interests, and make lasting friendships along the way.

Accommodations & Meals

Students and residential faculty stay together in Siena, based in a small locally-run hotel in private doubles, or triples, each with bathrooms ensuite or on the hall. Faculty and staff members reside with students throughout the program. We begin each day with breakfast at our residence. Lunches are taken in the array of restaurants, cafes, and markets among the cobblestoned streets, and dinners are served at the University of Siena dining hall or out in the restaurants around the city. Please note that lunches are not included in the tuition.

What to Expect

Review specific program expectations here. For more general information:

Our Siena Campus

In the historic Tuscan city of Siena, education and academic excellence have been woven into the fabric of daily life for centuries. Founded in 1240, the University of Siena is a prominent part of civic life. Immerse yourself in city and academy life, meet with artisans and professionals, venture for field visits to surrounding towns and areas, and find inspiration in Siena’s global, inclusive community.

Outcomes & Final Projects

The Pre-College Tuscany program is designed to immerse students intellectually in their chosen seminar topic as they prepare academically and socially for the college experience. Over the course of a two-week Pre-College seminar, each student develops a final project based on their particular interests, which they present to peers and instructors at the end of the program. Prepare an Italian feast to share with your group, present a case study from your business seminar, or display your photography of Siena’s architectural wonders.

Afternoons & Excursions

Head to neighboring Florence to visit the Medici Museum and the Uffizi, attend a classical concert in the Piazza del Campo, or explore local vintage and antique shops. Taste as many flavors of gelato as your heart desires and climb the iconic Torre del Manga. Cool off in the Mediterranean Sea on a day trip to the coastal town of Sea Castiglione della Pescaia. Cap off your Tuscan experience with a final presentation of your seminar work and a final dinner in Orto dei Pecci, a beautiful community garden in the middle of the City of Siena.


In addition to your in-depth seminar, explore other interests and topics in elective workshops offered by instructors and students alike. Tap into the unique knowledge, skills, and abilities of your peers and instructors to expand your Pre-College experience, learning on topics ranging from the regional differences in Italian cuisine to the architecture of Siena.

Guest Speakers

Gain inspiration from the experiences and perspectives of industry leaders and professionals. Guest speakers bring to the program diverse backgrounds with high-level, real-world experiences and insights. Whether a renowned chef or a professional photographer, each speaker structures their workshop or lecture to relate to the seminars and their area of expertise.


Find a community of like-minded peers, invested in personal and intellectual growth. Like you, they are curious about the world and eager to have a positive impact on it. Everyone attends Community Meeting each evening, where the group shares ideas, successes, and goals, and sets plans for the coming day. Become part of a community that supports and nurtures your interests, and make lasting friendships along the way.

Accommodations & Meals

Students and residential faculty stay together in Siena, based in a small locally-run hotel in private doubles, or triples, each with bathrooms ensuite or on the hall. Faculty and staff members reside with students throughout the program. We begin each day with breakfast at our residence. Lunches are taken in the array of restaurants, cafes, and markets among the cobblestoned streets, and dinners are served at the University of Siena dining hall or out in the restaurants around the city. Please note that lunches are not included in the tuition.

Program Structure

Seminar groups meet each morning to introduce and frame key concepts for the day, then head out into the city of Siena or surrounding areas for field-based learning, putting the day’s ideas into practice. Seminar activities are supplemented by fun excursions and immersive cultural experiences in Siena and around Tuscany, including a day in Florence.
Enjoy breakfast with your group at the residence
Dive into morning seminars to discuss the day’s topics
Break for a picnic lunch or find a restaurant or cafe along Siena’s medieval streets
Explore Siena or the surrounding countryside for an experience-based seminar session
Join an optional excursion, or enjoy some free time at the residence
Eat dinner out in small groups, or at the University of Siena canteen
Convene for a community meeting to discuss the day and upcoming events

Program Structure

Seminar groups meet each morning to introduce and frame key concepts for the day, then head out into the city of Siena or surrounding areas for field-based learning, putting the day’s ideas into practice. Seminar activities are supplemented by fun excursions and immersive cultural experiences in Siena and around Tuscany, including a day in Florence.
Enjoy breakfast with your group at the residence
Dive into morning seminars to discuss the day’s topics
Break for a picnic lunch or find a restaurant or cafe along Siena’s medieval streets
Explore Siena or the surrounding countryside for an experience-based seminar session
Join an optional excursion, or enjoy some free time at the residence
Eat dinner out in small groups, or at the University of Siena canteen
Convene for a community meeting to discuss the day and upcoming events
“Cecelia left with an understanding and inspiration of how to be a caring positive leader, a deeper love for Italy and the Italian language and a desire to return and experience more.”
—Gianna & Lee A., Longmeadow, MA

Program Directed by

Andrew Manzella

If you have questions or would like to talk further about this program, please get in touch!


Program Directed by

Andrew Manzella

If you have questions or would like to talk further about this program, please get in touch!

Enroll in two programs & save $1,000!

$800 tuition discount + no application fee

Eligible for 8th grade*
*These programs are typically for students in grades 9–12, however motivated rising 9th graders will be considered

2025 Dates
July 19 — August 6

19 days

$8,790 + airfare

Currently* in grades 9–12
*Your grade as of the day you apply

Typical Group
40–50 students, 10 leaders

Group Flight
Departs from New York


Additional Info

Questions? Visit our FAQ or call us at (802) 387-5000


2025 Dates
July 19 — August 6

19 days

$8,790 + airfare


Currently* in grades 9–12
*Your grade as of the day you apply

Typical Group
40–50 students, 10 leaders

Group Flight
Departs from New York


Questions? Visit our FAQ or call us at (802) 387-5000

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