While at St. Lawrence University, Lanie focused on her Spanish studies and developed a strong interest in travel and European culture. She spent a semester in Madrid, Spain, where she discovered her passions for language and travel. After returning to St. Lawrence, Lanie continued to study Spanish and teach English as a foreign language. This experience led her to teach English online, and later in person, to Rwanda’s National Cycling team and a women’s sewing cooperative in Africa, through collaboration with a professor and fellow students from St. Lawrence. Lanie’s dedication to language teaching and culture motivated her to move to Madrid, where she currently teaches English. During her almost seven years living in Madrid, Lanie has explored the European continent through cultural exploration, hiking, and diving trips. She is currently training for the Madrid half marathon and plans to run a full marathon in the Fall. She is fluent in Spanish and has proficiency in French. Lanie has previously led Putney’s Exploration Switzerland, Italy, France, & Holland program.