For students currently in grades 9–12
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Travel programs with the Smithsonian Institution for grades 8–12

Challenge yourself academically at the world's most prestigious universities

Non-profit organization offering student travel scholarships

High school youth summit focused on public health, climate change, and equity


Campus-based climate change program for grades 9–12

Our Blog

Our Friends in Havana (and Beyond)
Two of Putney’s program directors—Juliana and Gregorio, who developed our program in Cuba— recently returned from a visit to this vibrant and diverse island...
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putney students with the recipient of the new home
Vietnam Alum Annabel on Community, Hope, and Ongoing Philanthropy
Annabel (second from right) with friends in Vietnam Annabel is an alum of our Service Vietnam program (2022). Since her program, she and her family have...
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A Conversation with Nepal Alum, Dylan Rodgers
Dylan Rodgers is an alumni student who participated in our Service Nepal program in 2018. Dylan is currently stationed in Nepal as a Fulbright scholar...
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pink sky behind buildings in dresden
Places to Go in 2024
The New York Times recently published their 52 Places to Go in 2024 article. Many of these destinations align with our program itineraries! Dive in to...
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three people hiking in forest
Putney Leader Roundup: February 2024
Over the past year, Putney’s program leaders and alumni have been busy achieving remarkable milestones in the writing world. We’re thrilled...
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two students take a selfie in front of alaskan mountains
Lessons from Alaska: Off the Grid, On the Table
These “Lessons from Alaska” blog posts are written by Putney leader Braelei Hardt, who recounts several pivotal moments during their time leading...
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person wearing fur coat in front of group of students
Lessons from Alaska: Games and Traditions
These “Lessons from Alaska” blog posts are written by Putney leader Braelei Hardt, who recounts several pivotal moments during their time leading...
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back of avery against blue waters and mountains in distance
Leadership Reflections
Avery Stern is one of the Hiring Directors at Putney. Prior to joining the leader hiring team, she spent school years in the classroom teaching high school...
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blue and white ice in alaska
Lessons from Alaska: A Boy and His Glacier
This is the second entry of “Lessons from Alaska,” a series of posts written by Putney leader Braelei Hardt, who recounts several pivotal moments...
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mackenzie stands on top of snowy mountain with blue sky behind her
Beyond Itineraries: The Heart of Putney Student Travel in Spain
Mackenzie Grapes is a Putney Program Director who organizes our programs in Spain. She recently spent several weeks there researching, reconnecting with...
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black and white old photo of group of students walking away
Lessons from Alaska: Shaping Future Leaders with Putney Magic
The following “Lessons from Alaska” blog posts are written by Putney leader Braelei Hardt, who recounts several pivotal moments during their...
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shopkeeper looking down
Service & Culture in Thailand
Join Program Director Portia Watson on a visit to the town of Santikhiri in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Santikhiri is one of many ethnically diverse mountain...
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Winner of 2023 Putney Alumni Video Contest
Winner We are excited to announce Miriam G. as the winner of this year’s Alumni Video Contest! Miriam’s video beautifully captures the daily...
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Adventures in Ramen
Recently our program director, Ed Thanhouser, spent nearly two weeks heading up and down Japan’s main island of Honshu meeting with contacts, exploring...
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Life at the Barn
At Putney, we’re not your typical student travel organization. Our headquarters are located in a beautifully renovated cow barn in rural southern...
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Interview with Putney's Co-Directors
Since our founding in 1951, Putney has been a family-owned organization, now proudly in our third generation of leadership. Meet the dynamic third generation,...
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Five Fun Facts About Croatia & Slovenia
Putney’s Exploration Croatia & Slovenia program is new for summer 2024! Find out more about these diverse countries and a few unique things students...
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Behind the Scenes with a Putney Program Director
Go behind the scenes with one of our Program Directors, Julian Hartmann-Russell, and get an in depth look at how we design our programs. Read on for more...
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10 Foods to Try in Peru!
In honor of the Peruvian restaurant, Central, located in the capital city Lima, being named World’s Best Restaurant by The World’s 50 Best, here...
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Paws & Explore: International Dog Day with Putney's Best Friends!
We love our pups at Putney Student Travel and we wanted to celebrate International Dog Day by sharing our dogs with you! Join us as we fetch some fun by...
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Our Last Days In Mae Ai: Notes from Thailand
In their final days in Mae Ai, Putney’s Service Thailand leaders reflect on the students’ impactful volunteer work, adventures, and meaningful...
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Hello from Cotopaxi: Notes from Ecuador & the Galápagos
Experience a glimpse into the diverse and captivating experiences of our Service Ecuador & the Galápagos program, with snapshots of their immersion...
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I Belize in a Thing Called Love: Notes from Belize
This post from our Career Belize program captures a heartfelt journey of discovery, adventure, personal growth, and newfound connections. … just listen...
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Service, Adventure, and Cultural Immersion: Notes from Costa Rica
Putney’s Middle School Service Costa Rica students engage in immersive cultural experiences, adventure activities, and community service while exploring...
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Walk Like a Granadino: Notes from Spain
Catch a glimpse into the culture of Granada, Spain, as our Language Spain program enjoys the city’s historical charm, and savors the local traditions...
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Village Life: Notes from Fiji
Our Exploration Australia, New Zealand, & Fiji group leaders provide insights into the lifestyle of communities in Fiji, highlighting their warmth,...
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The First Peak: Notes from Switzerland, Italy, France, & Holland
Our Exploration Switzerland, Italy, France, & Holland students embark on an adventurous day in the mountains, enjoying breathtaking views, embracing...
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Sharks, Stingrays, and More: Notes from Belize
Experience the beauty of the underwater world of Belize through the eyes of our student explorers, Charlotte and Crow, who wrote the post below. Hey everyone! Today...
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First Full Pictures: Notes from Ecuador
In this summer highlight, one of our Service Ecuador & the Galápagos groups reports on their adventures. Enjoy! Good morning from Ecuador! This morning...
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Jack's College Essay: Ethics of Eating
Jack is an alum of our Middle School Exploration France & Holland, Language Spain, and Service Morocco programs. This fall he’ll be attending the University...
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Gabrielle's College Essay: Environmental Reformation
Gabrielle is an alum of the Harvard Chan C-CHANGE Youth Summit on Climate, Equity, & Health. This fall she’ll be attending Cornell University...
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Sophia's College Essay: Acting Exploration
Sophia is an alum of our Exploration Skiing in Patagonia program and wrote about her experience of discovery in her college essay. This fall she’ll be...
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Connor's College Essay: Storytelling Through Photography
Connor is an alum of our Yellowstone Photography program and wrote about the experience for his college essay, exploring the impact of photography and...
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Sarah's College Essay: Service in Costa Rica
Sarah is an alum of our Service Costa Rica program and wrote about the experience for her college essay, where she helped the local community and discovered...
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Charlie's College Essay: Empathy & Impact
Charlie participated in Putney’s Service program in Ecuador & the Galápagos and wrote his college essay about how the experience strengthened...
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Robbie's College Essay: Pachamama & Papas
Robbie is an alum of our Service Peru program and wrote about the experience for his college essay, focusing on five specific words and how they elucidate...
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Sadie's College Essay: Elmer's Glue Stick
Sadie has participated in multiple Putney programs over the years, beginning with our middle school program in Ecuador & the Galápagos. She has also...
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Catalyzing Real Change: Reflections from a Harvard Chan C-CHANGE Youth Summit Alum
This blog post features writing by Rhea W., a 2022 alum of the Harvard Chan C-CHANGE Youth Summit on Climate, Equity, & Health. While at the summit,...
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A Journey to the "Roof of Africa": Climbing Kilimanjaro
We’re excited to announce that two groups of Putney adventurers will climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in 2023!  Putney has a long history in Tanzania, first traveling...
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Bhutan's Haa Summer Festival
We’re excited to share that this summer’s Exploration Bhutan group will have the opportunity to attend the Haa Summer Festival! This lively event, held...
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market stall in morocco with colorful spices and goods
Morocco: Reflections from Leaders
It’s hard to choose our favorite things after spending a month in Morocco with our group last summer. It was such a unique experience, full of once-in-a-lifetime...
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elephants walking out of lush forest
5 Facts About Laos You Didn't Know
Known as the Land of a Million Elephants, Laos has remained relatively untouched by mainstream tourism, making it an ideal destination to learn from and...
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students on a mountain hike
Winner of 2022 Putney Alumni Video Contest
We’re excited to announce Hannah M. as the winner of this year’s Alumni Video Contest! Hannah and her peers explored six different regions...
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Life in Maji Moto: Notes from Service Tanzania
Our Service Tanzania students are hard at work in Maji Moto, their host village. We’re happy to share their blog and the video they put together...
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Telemetry Tracking & Safari: Notes from Namibia
Based for several days at N/a’an ku sé Wildlife Sanctuary, students on our Career Namibia program headed out onto the savannah to learn to use telemetry...
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Capri, Pompeii, & an Idyllic Surprise: Notes from Italy & Greece
In this summer highlight, one of our Exploration Italy & Greece groups reports on their adventures to the island of Capri, Pompeii, and more. Enjoy! Well,...
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white clouds with blue sky in ecuador
Chloe's College Essay: Diving In Head First
Chloe traveled with Putney on our Service Ecuador & the Galápagos program last summer, and wrote her college essay about the experience. This fall...
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galapagos tortoise walking on grass
Amelia's College Essay: Part of the Future
Amelia traveled with Putney to Ecuador & the Galápagos and wrote her college admissions essay about the experience and impact of witnessing the imperiled...
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red and beige book cover
Putney Leader Roundup: April 2022
Podcasts, documentaries, stage plays, books…we’re tempted to call our leaders “multimedia masters.” Putney’s program leaders and Pre-College instructors...
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students wearing helmets smiling in group
Gillian's College Essay: Recognizing Potential
Gillian is an alum of our Spanish Language program in Ecuador & the Galápagos. For her college essay she reflected on her relationship with the idea...
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cheetah looking at camera
Leah's College Essay: Reshaping Perceptions
Leah is an alum of our Career Namibia program, which focuses on wildlife photography and big cat conservation. She wrote about her experience there for...
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two students in front of blue grey sky
Georgia's College Essay: On Sonder
Georgia is an alum of our high school Service program in Morocco. She wrote about her experience, and the concept of sonder as it applies to daily life,...
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7 Fiji Facts You Didn't Know
Imagine an island archipelago that immediately takes you back in time to a simpler, more nature-based way of living and being, where tradition, culture,...
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To the Roof of Africa: A Conversation with Our Kilimanjaro Guide
Putney has a long history in Tanzania, traveling to the East African nation for our first Kilimanjaro climb in 1972. Exploration Kilimanjaro is a Putney...
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Ecuador Alumni Fundraiser
After participating in Putney’s 2021 Service program in Ecuador & the Galápagos, Lucas O. decided to use his capstone course project as an opportunity...
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Winner of 2021 Putney Alumni Video Contest
We’re excited to announce Aisling K. as the winner of this year’s Alumni Video Contest. Aisling traveled on our Exploration Kilimanjaro program...
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Alex's College Essay: Looking Beyond
Alex is an alum of our high school Service program in Tanzania. He wrote about his experience—about finding connection across language barriers through...
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Jessica's College Essay: La Plaza, La Minga, & Belonging
Jessica is an alum of our high school Language program in Ecuador & the Galápagos (a program that also includes service work). She included her experience...
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Alexa's College Essay: Vulnerability & Connection
 Alexa is an alum of our high school Service program in Nepal. She wrote about her Nepal experience in both her personal statement and supplement for Wellesley...
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Lexie's College Essay: Social Without the Media
Lexie is an alum of our high school Service program in Peru. For her college essay she reflected on her experience and how it reset her perspective and...
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30 Years from Gothenburg: An Unlikely Love Story
The typewritten itinerary for that one week in the summer of 1977 read simply: “We live in private homes, taking part in family life.” The homestay was...
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Eligible for 8th grade*
*These programs are typically for students in grades 9–12, however motivated rising 9th graders will be considered

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