For students currently in grades 9–12
Special programs & collaborations
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Travel programs with the Smithsonian Institution for grades 8–12

Challenge yourself academically at the world's most prestigious universities

Non-profit organization offering student travel scholarships

High school youth summit focused on public health, climate change, and equity


Campus-based climate change program for grades 9–12

MIT Campus

Engineering & Robotics Workshop

July 8 — July 17
$5,990 + airfare

MIT Campus

Engineering & Robotics Workshop

July 8 — July 17
$5,990 + airfare

This summer, join top experts and researchers on the campus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to examine the many intersections of technology and exploration, artificial intelligence (AI), and robotics. Attend seminars on a range of topics—from remote exploration of space and sea to engineering microscopic robots—and participate in related experiments. Weave your experiences together by creating a capstone project proposal that uses cutting-edge science to help address an important issue in your own community.

Note: Specific activities and workshops depend on the current work of labs and researchers. This description is representative of last year’s experiences and will be updated closer to the summer. Please call with any questions!

• Meet with researchers at MIT who are using technology to rebuild coastlines
• Harness 3D printers to reimagine the future of technology and print your own design
• Collect and analyze big data to assess and problem solve a real-world issue
• Learn about innovative work being done by scientists and storytellers at MIT